Scientific publications that used GECCO data


  • Deeg DJH, Van Tilburg TG, Visser M, Braam AW, Stringa N, Timmermans EJ. Identification of a ‘Blue Zone’ in the Netherlands: a genetic, personal, socio-cultural, and environmental profile. The Gerontologist 2024;64(11):gnae132. Full Text
  • Albers JD, Koster A, Sezer B, Meisters R, Schram MT, Eussen SJPM, Dukers NHTM, Jansen MWJ, Sehouwer CDA, Lakerveld J, Bosma H. The mediating role of the food environment, greenspace, and walkability in the association betweeen socioeconomic position and tye 2 diabetes - The Maastricht Study. Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome. 18(11-12):1013155. Full Text
  • van de Geest JDS, Meijer P, Remmelzwaal S, Lakerveld J. (2024) Moderators and mediators of the association between the obesogenicity of neighbourhoods and weigth status in Dutch adults. Health & Place. 90:103364. Full Text
  • Pinho MGM, Koop Y, Mackenbach JD, Lakerveld J, Simões M, Vermeulen R, Wagtendonk AJ, Vaartjes I, Beulens JWJ. (2024) Time-varying exposure to food retailers and cardiovascular disease hospitalization and mortality in the netherlands: a nationwide prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine. 22:427. Full Text
  • Soeterboek J, Deckers K, van Boxtel MPJ, Backes WH, Eussen SJPM, van Greevenbroek MMJ, Jansen JFA, Koster A, Schram MT, Stehouwer CDA, Wesselius A, Lakerveld J, Bosma H, Köhler S. Association of ambient air pollution with cognitive functioning and markers of structural brain damage: The Maastricht Study. Environment International. 192:109048. Full Text
  • Chan JA, Koster A, Lakerveld J, Schram MT, van Greevenbroek M, Bosma H. (2024) Associations of neighbourhood social cohesion and changes in BMI - The Maastricht Study. European Journal of Public Health. 34(5):949-954. Full Text
  • Mokhtar SB, Viljoen J, van der Kallen CJH, Berendschot TTJM, Dagnelie PC, Albers JD, Soeterboek J, Scarpa F, ColonnaA, van der Heide FCT, van Greevenbroek MMJ, Bosma H, Kroon AA, Nuijts RMMA, Gijs M, Lakerveld J, Malik RZ, Webers CAB, Stehouwer CDA, Koster A. (2024) Greater exposuree to PM2.5 and PM10 was associated with lower coneal nerve measures: The Maastricht Study - a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health. 23(1):70. Full Text
  • Pelt DHM, Habets PC, Vinkers CH, Ligthart L, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Pool R, Bartels M. (2024) Building machine learning prediction models for well-being using predictors from the exposome and genome in a population cohort. Nature Mental Health. Full Text
  • Liu M, Vaartjes I, Hoek G, Jaddoe VWV, Santos S, Schreuder A, Vrijkotte TGM, Grobbee DE, Timmermans EJ. (2024) Longitudinal associations of air pollution and green space with cardiometabolic risk factor clustering among children in the Netherlands. Environment International. 190:108852. Full Text
  • Ohanyan H, van de Wiel M, Portengen L, Wagtendonk A, den Braver NR, de Jong TR, Verschuren M, van den Hurk K, Stronks K, Moll van Charante E, van Schoor NM, Stehouwer CDA, Wesselius A, Koster A, Ten Have M, Penninx BWJH, van Wier MF, Motoc I, Oldehinkel AJ, Willemsen G, Boomsma DI, Beenackers MA, Huss A, van Boxtel M, Hoek G, Beulens JWJ, Vermeulen R, Lakerveld J. (2024) Exposome-wide association study of body mass index using a novel meta-analytical approach for Random Forest Models. Environmental Health Perspectives. 132:67007. Full Text
  • Meijer P, Lam TM, Vaartjes I, Moll van Charante E, Galenkamp H, Koster A, van den Hurk K, den Braver NR, Blom MT, de Jong T, Grobbee DE, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J. (2024) The association of obesogenic environments with weight status, blood pressure, and blood lipids: A cross-sectional pooled analysis across five cohorts. Environmental Research. 256:119227. Full Text
  • Chan JA, Bosma H, Lakerveld J, Schram MT, van Greevenbroek M, Koster A.(2024) Social cohesion and associations with sedentary time, physical activity and dietary quality in The Maastricht Study. Preventive Medicine. 183:107970. Full Text
  • Lam TM, den Braver NR, Ohanyan H, Wagtendonk AJ, Vaartjes I, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J. (2024) The neighbourhood obesogenic built environment characteristics (OBCT) index: Practice versus theory. Environmental Research. 251:118625. Full Text
  • Bosma J.(2024). From pixels to public health: an environmental mapping of neighbourhood overweight and obesity. MSc thesis. Wageningen University & Research.
  • Osmënaj T, Lam TM, Wagtendonk AJ, den Braver NR. Walking to work: The role of walkability around the workplace in a Dutch adult commuting population (2024). SSM Population Health. 25;101578. Full Text
  • van den Brekel L, Lenters V, Mackenbach JD, Hoek G, Wagtendonk A, Lakerveld J, Grobbee DE, Vaartjes I. (2024) Ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in air pollution exposure: a cross-sectional analysis of nationwide individual-level data from the Netherlands. Lancet Planetary Health. 8(1):e18-e29. Full Text
  • Hlubek N, Koop Y, Wagtendonk A, Vaartjes I. (2024) Temporal Trends in Air Pollution Exposure across Socioeconomic Groups in The Netherlands. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 21(8),967. Full Text
  • van de Weijer MP, Pelt DHM, Baselmans BML, Ligthart L, Huider F, Hottenga J-J, Pool R, Bartels M. (2024) Capturing the well-being exposome in poly-environmental scores. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 93:102208. Full Text


  • Spoelder M, Schoofs MCA, Raaphorst K, Lakerveld J, Wagtendonk A, Hartman YAW, van der Krabben E, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ. (2023) A positive neighbourhood walkability is associated with a higher magnitude of leisure walking in adults upon COVID-19 restrictions: a longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. 20:116. Full Text
  • Chan JA, Bosma H, Drosinou C, Timmermans EJ, Savelberg H, Schaper N, Schram MT, Stehouwer CDA, Lakerveld J, Koster A (2023). Association of perceived and objective neighbourhood walkability with accelerometer-measured physical activity and sedentary time in the Maastricht Study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. doi:10.1111/sms.14455. Full Text
  • Bouter DC, Ravenbergen SJ, Lakerveld J, Hoogendijk WJG, Grootendorst - van Mil NH. (2023). Associations between the urban environment and psychotic experiences in adolescents. Schizophr. Res. 260:123-131. Full Text
  • Chan JA, Koster A, Eussen SJ, Pinho MGM, Lakerveld J, Stehouwer CD, Dagnelie PC, Schram MT, van der Kallen CJ, van Greevenbroek MM, Wesselius A, Bosma H. (2023) The association between the food environment and adherence to healthy diet quality: The Maastricht Study. Public Health Nutrition. 1-22. Full Text
  • Motoc I, Hoogendijk EO, Timmermans EJ, Deeg DJH, Penninx BWJH, & Huisman, M. (2023). Social and physical neighbourhood characteristics and 10-year incidence of depression and anxiety in older adults: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. Social Science & Medicine. 327, 115963. Full Text

  • Vinkenoog M, de Groot R, Lakerveld J, Janssen M, van den Hurk K. Individual and environmental determinants of serum ferritin levels: A structural equation model. Transfusion Medicine. 33(2);113-122. Full Text

  • Timmermans EJ, Leeuwis AE, Bots ML, van Alphen JL, Biessels GJ, Brunner-La Rocca H, Kappelle JL, van Rossum AC, van Osch MJP, Vaartjes I. (2023) Neighbourhood walkability in relation to cognitive functioning in patients with disorders along the heart-brain axis. (2023) Health and Place. 102956. Full Text

  • Li Y, Xie T, Dener Cardoso Melo R, de Vries M, Lakerveld J, Zijlema W, Hartman CA. (2023) Longitudinal effects of environmental noise and air pollution exposure on autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder during adolescence and early adulthood: The TRIALS study. Environmental Research. 227:115704 Full Text

  • Pinho MGM, Flueckiger B, Valentin A, Kasdagli M-I, Kyriakou K, Lakerveld J, Mackenbach JD, Beulens JWJ, de Hoogh K. (2023) The quality of OpenStreetMap food-related point-of-interest data for use in epidemiological research. Health & Place 83;103075. Full Text

  • Lam TM, Wagtendonk AJ, den Braver NR, Karssenberg D, Vaartjes I, Timmermans EJ, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J. (2023) Development of a neighbourhood obesogenic built environment characteristics (OBCT) index for the Netherlands. Obesity. 31(1):214-224. Full Text


  • Ohanyan H, Portengen L, Huss A, Traini E, Beulens JWJ, Hoek G, Lakerveld J, Vermeulen R. (2022) Machine learning approaches to characterize the obesogenic urban exposome. Environment International. 158:107015. Full Text
  • Lam TM, Wang Z, Vaartjes I, Karssenberg D, Ettema D, Helbich M, Timmermans EJ, Frank LD, den Braver NR, Wagtendonk AJ, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J. (2022) Development of an objectively measured walkability index for the Netherlands. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 19(1):50. Full Text
  • Ohanyan H, Portengen L, Kaplani O, Huss A, Hoek G, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J, Vermeulen R. (2022) Associations between the urban exposome and type 2 diabetes: Results from penalised regression by leaset absolute shrinkage and selection operator and random forest models. Environment International. 170:107592. Full Text


  • van de Weijer MP, Baselmans BML, Hottenga J-J, Dolan CV, Willemsen G, Bartels M. (2021) Expanding the environmental scope: an environment-wide association study for mental well-being. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. Full Text
  • Pinho MGM, Lakerveld J, Harbers MC, Sluijs I, Vermeulen R, Huss A, Boer JMA, Verschuren WMM, Brug J, Beulens JWJ, Mackenbach JD. Ultra-processed food consumption patterns among older adults in the Netherlands and the role of the food environment. European Journal of Nutrition. 60(5): 2567-2580. Full Text
  • den Braver N, Rutters F, Wagtendonk AJ, Kok JG, Harms PP, Brug J, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J. Neighborhood walkability, physical activity and changes in glycemic markers in people with type 2 diabetes: The Hoorn Diabetes Care System cohort. Health & Place. 69, 102560. Full Text
  • Timmermans EJ, Visser M, Wagtendonk AJ, Noordzij MJ, Lakerveld J. (2021) Associations of changes in neighbourhood walkability with changes in walking activity in older adults: a fixed effects analysis. BMC Public Health.21, 1323. Full Text

  • Brook JR, Doiron D, Setton E, Lakerveld J. (2021) Centralizing environmental datasets to support (inter)national chronic disease research: values, challenges and recommendations. Environmental Epidemiology. 5(1), e129. Full Text

  • Li L, Carrino L, Reinhard E, Timmermans EJ, Claassens J, Lakerveld J, Avendano M. (2021) Aircraft noise control policy and mental health: A natural experiment based on the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA). Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 75:458-463. Full Text


  • Lakerveld J, Wagtendonk AJ, Vaartjes I, Karssenberg D. (2020) Deep phenotyping meets big data: the Geoscience and health cohort consortium (GECCO) data to enable exposome studies in the Netherlands. International Journal of Health Geographics. 19:49. Full Text
  • Pinho MGM, Mackenbach JDM, den Braver NR, Beulens JWJ, Brug J, Lakerveld J. (2020) Recent changes in the Dutch foodscape: Socioeconomic and urban -rural differences. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 17(1): 43. Full Text
  • Canalia C, de Pinho MGM, Lakerveld J, Mackenbach JD. (2020) Field Validation of Commercially Available Food Retailer Data in the Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.17(6), 1946. Full Text


  • Motoc I, Timmermans EJ, Deeg D, Penninx BWJH, Huisman M. (2019) Associations of neighbourhood sociodemographic characteristics with depressive and anxiety symptoms in older age: Results from a 5-wave study over 15 years. Health and Place. 59/102172. Full Text
  • Generaal E, Hoogendijk EO, Stam M, Henke CE, Rutters F, Oosterman M, Huisman M, Kramer SE, Elders PJM, Timmermans EJ, Lakerveld J, Koomen E, ten Have M, de Graaf R, Snijder MB, Stronks K, Willemsen G, Boomsma DI, Smit JH, Penninx WJH. (2019) Neighbourhood characteristics and prevalence and severity of depression: a pooled analysis of eight Dutch cohort studies.The British Journal of Psychiatry. 6:1-8. Full Text
  • Leijssen J, Snijder MB, Timmermans EJ, Generaal E, Stronks K, Kunst AE. (2019) The association between road traffic noise and depressed mood among different ethnic and socioeconomic groups: the HELIUS study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. corrected proof. Full Text
  • Generaal E, Timmermans EJ, Dekkers JEC, Smit JH, Penninx BWJH. (2019) Not urbanization level but socioeconomic, physical and social neighbourhood characteristics are associated with presence and severity of depressive and anxiety disorders. Psychological Medicine. 49(1):149-161. Full Text


  • Timmermans EJ, Lakerveld J, Beulens JWJ, Boomsma DI, Kramer SE, Oosterman M, Willemsen G, Stam M, Nijpels G, Schuengel C, Smit JH, Brunekreef B, Dekkers JEC, Deeg DJH, Penninx BWJH, Huisman M. (2018) Cohort Profile: The Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium (GECCO). BMJ Open. 8:e021597. Full Text

Press release

Persbericht (in Dutch. Issued Augustus 2018)
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